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Did you know that as much as 35% of the heat in your home escapes through uninsulated walls? At Aspect, we specialise in the installation of cutting-edge Thermabeads insulation solutions, designed to keep your home cozy and energy-efficient. Discover the many benefits of Cavity Wall and Loft Insulation.







Average heat loss of an uninsulated home

Thermal image of a home benefiting from an Aspect wall and loft insulation

Energy Efficiency

Cavity wall insulation helps to reduce heat loss from your home. By filling the gap between the inner and outer walls with insulating beads, it creates a thermal barrier that prevents heat from escaping. This leads to improved energy efficiency and reduced energy consumption for heating or cooling your home.


Lower Energy Bills

As a result of improved energy efficiency, cavity wall insulation can lead to significant savings on energy bills. By reducing heat loss, your heating system doesn't have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced costs. With both Wall and Loft insulation fitted this could cut energy bills by up to 40%.


Increased Comfort

Insulating your cavity walls and loft helps to keep your home at a more consistent and comfortable temperature. It reduces cold spots and drafts, creating a more pleasant living environment throughout the year.


Noise Reduction

Cavity wall insulation also acts as a sound barrier, reducing the amount of external noise that enters your home. It can help to minimise traffic noise, loud neighbours, or any other external disturbances, resulting in a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment.


Envrionmental Benefits

By reducing your energy consumption, cavity wall insulation contributes to a lower carbon footprint. It helps to decrease greenhouse gas emissions associated with heating and cooling systems, making your home more environmentally friendly.


Increased Property Value

Installing cavity wall insulation can enhance your home's value. Energy-efficient homes are highly desirable in the property market, and having insulation in place can be an attractive selling point for potential buyers.

Contact Aspect Insulation today

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